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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat Readmore...


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat Readmore...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cara Mendaftarkan Blog ke Google Adsense

Hello sob,dah mulai jarang post ni,soalnya rada2 sibuk sih,nah kembali ke judul,kalian pasti kepengen dong punya duit sendiri namun tak perlu berusaha keras??,nah untunglah kita jd blogger,knp?,karna kalian bisa mendaftar ke GOOGLE ADSENSE dan pasang iklannya kemudian kalian akan mendapatkan uang,perlu diingat google adsense ini berupa iklan PPC(pay per click),jd maksudnya adalah setelah akun kalian diterima maka kalian pasang iklannya dan jika ada yg meng-klik iklan google kalian maka kalian akan mendaptkan uang

ingat! hanya google adsense yg berani bayar mahal di beberapa iklan mereka,ayo dicoba yuk,tp yg terpenting JANGAN COBA2 MENCURANGI GOOGLE ADSENSE oke?,karna ntar lain lg masalahnya,dan kalian harus ber-umur 18+ jika ingin mendaftar

jika kalian masih ngoto ingin mencoba silahkan ikuti instruksi dibawah ^_^

  1. 1.yg perlu kalian lakuin adalah memuculkan tab "penghasilan di dashboard blog kalian dengan cara
    ambil setelan>bahasa dan pemformatan>ubah bahasa menjadi inggris dan silahkan refesh dashboard blog kalian maka akan muncul tab "penghasilan"
  2. jika belum jelas letaknya yaitu antara tab statistik dan tata letak
  3. klik "penghasilan" dan klik memulai dan kalian akan dialihkan ke semacam formulir gitu
  4. nah nanti kalian akan ditanya memakai akun skrg atau yg lain
  5. jika akun yg kamu pakai belum terdaftar di google adsense silahkan daftar dengan mengklik ya memakai akun....
  6. nah jika beum terdaftar silahkan ikut link yg diarahkan ke google adsense,nah isilah formulirnya dan ingat isilah dengan jujur dan tidak curang seperti dibawah ini

    Account type:pilih saja yang Individual

    Country or territory:pilih Indonesia

    Payee name:diisi dengan nama lengkap sobat

    Street Address::diisi dengan nama jalan, nomor rumah, RT/RW,

    nama Kelurahan/Desa, dan Nama Kecamatan.

    Jl. Pahlawan No. 3 RT/RW 01/04 Cideng Gambir

    City/Town:diisi dengan nama Kota/Kabupaten

    tempat tinggal sobat, misalnya Jakarta Pusat

    Postal Code:diisi dengan kode pos tempat tinggal sobat

    Province:pilih propinsi tempat tinggal sobat,

    misalnya Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

    Phone:diisi dengan nomor HP sobat dan jangan lupa

    beri kode 62 didepannya, misalkan nomor HP sobat

    adalah 087737837801, maka penulisannya

    adalah 6287737837801

    Pada menu Policies, jangan lupa sobat centang semua kotak isiannya dengan cara mengklik kotak-kotak tersebut. Pastikan semua data yang sobat masukkan sudah benar sesuai Kartu Identitas, barulah kemudian sobat klik tombol Submit Information.

  7. setelah terdaftar tunggu konfirmasi nya nah disinilah letak sulitnya apakah akun adsense km diterima apa engga
  8. Buka email blog sobat yang tadi digunakan untuk mendaftar Google Adsense, cari kiriman email dari adsense-support, jika belum ada sobat tunggu saja karena Google Adsense butuh beberapa waktu untuk meninjau pendaftaran akun sobat tersebut. Kalau emailnya sudah muncul dan bertuliskan kalimat “Selamat Datang di AdSense!.... dan seterusnya,” itu berarti tinjauan pertama dari Google Adsense telah selesai dan tinggal melakukan tinjauan berikutnya. Dalam tahap ini iklan yang muncul di blog sobat cuma berupa halaman kosong saja dan dalam waktu 4 hari kerja Google Adsense akan memberi jawaban apakah pengajuan akun sobat ditolak atau diterima. Jika diterima, maka halaman iklan yang semula kosong akan muncul teks atau banner iklan dan itu berarti peluang untuk mendapatkan dollar sudah ada di depan mata.
nah semoga dengan tutor diatas kalian bisa menghasilakn dollar 
tinggalkan komen dan terima kasih
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Put Twitter Badge in Blogspot


SandiFernando ~ Twitter is a website owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a Micro-blogging social network that allows users to send and read messages are called tweets. Tweets are text posts to 140 characters are displayed on the user profile pages. Tweets can be seen outside, but the sender can restrict delivery of messages to their friends list only. Users can see the tweets of other writers known as followers.
All users can send and receive tweets via Twitter site, compatible external applications (mobile phones), or with a short message (SMS) available in certain countries. This site is based in San Bruno, California near San Francisco, where the site was first created. Twitter also has a server and an office in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.
Since established in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and currently has more than 100 million users. This is sometimes described as "SMS from the internet".
If you want put your profile badge in your blog, we can add twitter Widgets let you display Twitter updates on your website or social network page
Our widgets are compatible with any website and most social networks. Simply choose the one that matches where you would like to include it.
Ok, i will explain how to get the widget and put it in yur blog
1. First, login to your twitter
2. Goto
3. Click in My Website and Choose Profile Widget
4. Setup the Preferences, Appearance and Dimensions of your badge
5. After finish click Finish & Grab Code
6. Put the Code to HTML/Javascript Gadget in your blog

if you do not want trouble, here I provide the code

<script src=""></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 4,
interval: 6000,
width: 'auto',
height: 300,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#333333',
color: '#ffffff'
tweets: {
background: '#000000',
color: '#ffffff',
links: '#4aed05'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: false,
live: false,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'all'

Change your_id with your twitter username..
You can change the red code to value that you want, for HTML colour code you can look here .
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How to Show Yahoo Messenger Status (YM) in Blogger


Yahoo Messenger Status
SandiFernando ~ Messenger (often abbreviated as "Y! M" or "YM") is a popular instant messenger programs provided by Yahoo. Messenger is available for free and can be downloaded and accessed using Yahoo! ID that is used to access the service Yahoo! others, such as Yahoo! Mail. The use of ID is also cause users to instantly notified when getting an e-mail.

Yahoo! has announced a partnership with Microsoft to join the network instant messenger. This resulted in the Messenger may be associated with the service. NET Messenger from Microsoft.

Now I will explain how to show your YM status in your blog. The way is so simple

1. Login to your blog
2. Goto Design -> Add Gadget -> HTML/Javascript
3. Put this code to HTML/Javascript

Code 1
<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?your_id"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>


Yahoo Messenger Offline
Yahoo Messenger Online

your_id to your yahoo messenger id, and change the red colour to value that you want, the value 1 upto 24

4. Finish click
Save to see the result.
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Off Site SEO Techniques


SandiFernando ~ Off site SEO techniques are as the name suggests factors from outside the site itself (ie from other sites) that impact the blog’s ranking in search engines. Many of these factors are outside the blogger’s control – however they are useful to know. The most obvious and probably most powerful offsite factor are Inbound Links (something I’ve already referred to above).
It is generally agreed that the links that point to a website are one of the most powerful way of climbing Search Engines results pages (in fact many argue it is THE most important factor). – To put it most simply – every link to your site is seen by the search engines as being a vote of confidence in your site.
Ideally Speaking
– The best inbound links have three main qualities to them:
  1. they are from higher ranked sites than your own
  2. they are relevant to the topic you are writing about
  3. they link to you using relevant keywords to your page
Whilst you may not have complete control over who links to you these are the types of links that you should be dreaming of.
How to generate quality inbound Links?

Of course whilst most of us know this it doesn’t make getting such links any easier – its in the hands of others in many cases. So how do you get such links?
  • Quality Content – There are all kinds of link generating systems out there but in my opinion the best way to get links to your blog is to write quality content that people will want to read. You can solicit links with others or sign up for different link building programs or even buy text links on other sites but the cheapest and probably safest approach is to build inbound links in a natural organic way as others link to your quality content.
  • Notify Relevant Bloggers of your content – Whilst I don’t advocate spamming other bloggers and asking for links – I would recommend that if you write a quality post on a topic that you know will interest another blogger that it might be worth shooting them a short and polite email letting them know of your post. Don’t be offended if they don’t link up, but you might just find that they do and that in addition to the direct traffic that the link generates that it helps build your own page rank in the search engine.
  • Directories – Another way to generating inbound links is to submit your links to directories. I know of webmasters who swear by the benefits of such a strategy – the first thing that they do when starting a new site is to do the rounds of directories – submitting links to key pages with appropriate keywords in the links. There are loads of directories out there – many of which offer a free submission. Ari Paparo has compiled a list of blog directories that you might want to start with.
  • Inter-link your Blogs – Increasingly bloggers are starting or joining blog networks to enjoy the benefits of multiple sites and writers working together. One of the advantages of networks of sites is that they usually link to one another. In doing so you have complete control over how your sites are linked to from multiple domains. It is worth noting that you should be careful with this approach – if all your sites are hosted on the one server many think that Search Engines will work out what you’re doing and the impact will be lessened.
  • Buy Links – Many professional web masters have a budget to purchase links from other highly ranked and and relevant sites. I won’t go into this too much here but you might like to read more about it in my recent post On Buying Text Links. update: I’d encourage anyone wanting to buy links to think very carefully about this. Google have been cracking down on sites that use this practice. They can’t catch everyone but some have been caught and seem to have been penalized for doing it.
  • Swap Links – Similarly many bloggers swap links with other bloggers. Sometimes this happens pretty naturally (you see someone linking to you so you link back) but in many cases the links are strategic ones and formally arranged between site owners. I get daily requests for such reciprocal links (I rarely act on them). Whilst there is some benefit in such link swapping I would again advise caution here as many SEO experts believe that the search engines have methods for tracking such strategies and devaluing the links. Some try to get around this by doing indirect or triangulated links. ie instead of site A and B doign a direct swap they involve other sites. So A links to C in exchange for D (also owned by C) linking to B (also owned by A) – makes your head hurt doesn’t it!?! There are also a variety of systems around that say they’ll take care of such interlinking for you – I know many who use Digital Point’s Free C0-Op Advertising system. Personally I tend to avoid such schemes and have a policy of linking to sites I think are valuable to my readers. If they link back then so be it.
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On Site SEO Techniques


SandiFernando ~ Having looked at Off site Search Engine Optimization Techniques I’ll now turn my attention to examining some of the factors you might like to keep in mind as you build your blog – (or Onsite techniques – things you do on your blog that help build a higher ranking). As with all SEO techniques there are many of these and a lot of speculation around all of them so let me touch on as many as I can:

1. Keyword Rich Content
– identify a few keywords for your article that you’re hoping will get indexed highly by Google. Don’t pick too many but consider the questions
  • How do I want people to find this post in Search Engines?
  • What will they type into Google if they want information on the topic you’re writing?
  • How would I find information on this topic in the Search Engines?
  • What results come up when I do plug these keywords into Google?
  • What other keywords are other sites using?
The answer to these questions will give you a hint as to what words you’ll want to see repeated throughout your article a number of times.
These keywords will need to be the most common words used in your article. Use them in some or all of the following ways:
  • Keywords in post and page titles
  • Keywords in URL of page
  • Keywords in outbound links
  • Keywords in bold tags (try do it at least once)
  • Keywords in heading tags (there is debate over exactly how to use them but it’s generally accepted that h1 tags are important and that h2, h3, h4 etc tags also have an impact. Having said that I’ve seen some pages rank very well in search engines without using heading tags.
  • Keywords in image alt tags
  • Keywords in the general throughout the text of your post – but especially early on in the first few sentences
  • Keywords in meta tags

2. Themed sites
- One of the growing theories of SEO is that you are more likely to rank well if you have a substantial amount of pages on a similar theme.

3. Site Design
– Search Engines like well laid out, well coded and easily to navigate sites. Make sure your pages validate (I need to work more on this) and that they are viewable on all major browsers. Search Engines don’t tend to like too much Flash, Frames or Java Script in your site – keep it simple and clean and their robots will index your site a lot faster and more accurately.

4. Interlink your Site
– The way Search Engines index your blog is to send little robot crawlers to your site to track what you’ve written and follow the links. Make it easier for them to get around your blog by using internal linking wisely.

5. Update regularly
– The more you update your blog the more often Search Engines will send their crawlers to your site to index it.

6. Outbound Links
– There is debate over how SEs treat outbound links from your blog. I’m in the camp who believe that relevant outbound links enhance your site’s ranking in search engines.

7. Choose your domain name wisely
– there are numerous factors to keep in mind when selecting a domain name. For one you might like to include your keyword in it if possible. Secondly you should do a little research to see if someone else has previously used the domain.

8. Register your Domain for a Lengthy Period
– a recent patent by Google indicates that it now looks at the length of your domain’s registration in ranking it.

9. One topic per post
– the more tightly focused the theme of a page the better when Search Engines come to rank it. Sometimes you might find yourself writing long posts that end up covering a number of different topics. They might relate loosely but if search engine ranking is what you’re after it could be better to break up your post into smaller more focused pieces.

10. Write optimal length posts
– there is some thought going around the Search Engine Optimization community that pages that are too short can get passed over for high rankings. I try to keep posts at least 250 words. Of course there are some posts on my blogs that are shorter, but if I’m writing a post that I want to rank well I try to give it some meatiness in terms of length.

11. Avoid Duplicate content
– Google warns publishers in its guidelines about having the same content on multiple pages. This goes for both multiple pages that you own but also pages that others own. This is because a tactic of spammers is often to reproduce content on many pages and/or to steel content from other sites.

12. Ping
– services like Pingomatic (there are numerous others too) will ping a variety of websites for you to notify them that you’ve updated. In doing so you’ll also be letting search engines know that you’ve updated which will trigger their robots to come visit your blog.

13. Submit your RSS to MyYahoo
– submitting your RSS feed to MyYahoo seems to help with getting indexed on Yahoo.

14. Quantities of Content
– I always get into trouble when I write about having lots of content – but I think its true that bigger sites tend to rank better than smaller sites – whilst it is possible to rank highly with a small site – it’s probably not the norm.. Search Engines will see your site as more comprehensive the more content you have.

15. Submit to Search Engines
– You can do all the best onsite SEO strategies in the world and still get no where because the Search Engines have not found you to start with. Each search engine has a way of letting it know about your site – submit your URL to be included in the index.
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About Search Engine Optimization for Blogs – SEO

SandiFernando ~ Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a website web presence.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.

Search Engine Optimization
is something that makes many blogger’s heads spin – I know this because every time I write an SEO article I get comments from bloggers telling me that its too big a topic and that they’d rather just write ‘quality content’.
Whilst I’ll never argue that quality content should be anything but a first priority in blogging, the fact is that there are many millions of pages of great writing languishing around at the bottom of search engines results pages that deserve to be read by many but which rarely see the light of day because their authors have failed to understand that just a few simple tweaks in the writing process could see them ranking considerably higher.
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17 Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques

SandiFernando ~ Proper ways to perform SEO has become a popular topic of conversation. The difference between having a successful website and a flop usually depends on how you    incorporated your SEO.
Learning proper SEO techniques can seem like a daunting task, especially to those who are not familiar with the concept. The biggest problem is SEO changes as the search engines change their algorithms, so it is something that you have to stay on top of.
The following list offers 10 simple SEO techniques you should keep in mind when developing and marketing your website.
#1. Make sure your website is initially designed with your SEO needs in mind. Search engines look for text, not flashy graphics and cool layouts. The trendiest web designs will mean nothing if no one is able to find your site.
#2. Every page of your website should have a title tag with text describing either your site or what is on the page. Be sure the text includes SEO-type keywords instead of the name of your website. Unless you’re incredibly popular, no one is going to be looking for you by searching for your name. They’ll most likely search for a product or service and the keywords you use will lead them to your site.
#3. Consider canonicalization, or whether or not your website address includes or excludes the www prefix. If you choose to use the www version of your website, make sure the non-www version directs users back to the one you use. Make sure you use your preferred version ( or every time you place a link to your site on the web. Don’t use both!
#4. When designing your website, be sure to avoid too many drop-down menus, confusing image maps, and excessive images. If you must use any of these methods, be sure to include plenty of text links for the search engine spiders to find and identify. Without links, the search engines will not pick up your site information.
#5. It does not matter what type of website extension you use (ie. .html, .htm. .asp, .php). Search engines do not look at the web extension and it will not have any impact at all on search results or ranking.
#6. Every page on your website should include a link to your home page and your sitemap. Make sure every link is the same. Home page links should go directly to your domain ( Make sure your internal links do not include the additional /index.html or .php text as it is not needed (ie.
#7. You’ll hear the same phrase over and over again: “Content is king”. It is imperative that your website have fresh, unique, and quality content that is updated on a regular basis. Be sure to include your favorite keyword phrase within the body of the content!
#8. People are more likely to input a phrase instead of a single word when conducting internet searches. If your business has a physical location, incorporate the name of your city into the text as well. For example, you might use “our Philadelphia location” instead of “our location”. Including your city name will improve the chances of your site being seen in location searches.
#9. If the information on your company website doesn’t change regularly, or remains static, you might want to consider starting a blog. Search engine spiders are always looking for fresh content. Use your blog as an advertising tool and link back to your website within each and every post.
#10. Write naturally. The worst thing you can do is try to cram a zillion keywords into your article or blog entry, making it messy and difficult to read. Search engines are able to determine whether or not your text is logical and they will ignore content with ridiculously high keyword density.
#11. Building links to your website is essential to its success. As a matter of fact, links are like the queen to complement your king’s fresh content. Choose a keyword phrase and network with other websites, asking them to place links on their pages. Don’t hurt your ranking by having non-related websites place haphazard links. While it may seem great to gather 100s of backlinks, you’re better off limiting your links to related websites. Ten relevant links stand a better chance than 100 irrelevant links.
#12. Links within your website should be built with keyword phrases as well. Try to avoid using generic anchor text such as, “click here”. Also, do not use the same anchor text over and over when building any links, you will get penalized by the search engines.
#13. Don’t place a list of links on your website. Always place a link within at least two to three lines of related content. The better your description, the more likely it is someone will click on the link.
#14. Don’t limit your keyword or phrase to text links. You should also incorporate your keywords into your image alt tag and domain name, whether it is part of the name itself or contained within the description.
#15. Try to avoid using frames, Ajax, and Flash as much as possible. None of these functions are keyword or search engine friendly and will hurt your SEO results.
#16. Before your website can be found by the search engine spiders, it must be indexed. Search engines such as Google have regular submission forms, but it can take days or weeks for your form to be processed. Having a highly ranked website place a link to your site is a sure-fire way to have your site indexed quickly.
#17. No matter what you hear, don’t be overly concerned with the Google PageRank of your website. A website that is properly developed and contains good content can outrank a website with higher PageRank.
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How to Make Money from Blogging

SandiFernando ~ This is one of the most used ways to make money because it’s too easy to add it to your blog, and the most famous advertising Program is Google Adsense.
Do you want to make money blogging? If you do – you’re not alone. More and more bloggers are finding that blogging is a profitable medium. Whether it be to earn a few extra dollars a week to feed their coffee habit, or making enough money to stop them having to get a part time job to get through college, or whether they’ve got it to a point where they are able to make a full time living from their blogging – there are tens of thousands of bloggers who make money blogging. Making money from our blogs is an important goal for alot of bloggers, but most of us invested alot of time and may so money too, but usually we disappoint with the results. And always ask, What is the best way to make money from our blogs,
And what we all should know is that the answer is not the same for every single person and blog. But we can try to list the best and easiest ways to make money, at this article, i’ll just list it, but latter in my next articles, i’ll talk about the ways in more detailed tutorials. And here is the 5 ways,

1. Advertising Programs

this programs is easy because you don’t have to do any thing but adding the program code to your blog, and then work on placement and traffic.

Other Advertising Programs

- Google Adsense
- Chitika
- Adbrite
2. Affiliate Marketing
This programs is working in many ways,they provide you a banner that you can place on your blog, so your visitors can visit it, and your can earn if your visitors sign up for a website or Buy something for example , this programs give you a commission from 5% Up to 75% per lead.

Affiliate Marketing companies

- Commission Junction
- LinkShare
- Click Bank

3. Place a Donation Link or Button on Your Blog

and this way depends on your blog visitors, and how your blog useful for the visitors,
it won’t make you get alot of money but it may help you getting few dollars,

4. Sell Products On your blog.

you can sell related products on your blog if you have got good amount of traffic, and this way is great when your concentrate on one niche.
you can sell e-books, soft wares, download able products,
and more,
you may sell your own products or other people products.

5. Sell Advertising Space On Your Blog.

This is a great way for making money and guaranteed way, because it’s easy and one step way, just try to sell your spaces and relax for next 30 days.
You may Use to have a good chance to sell your spaces like:
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